Thursday, September 28, 2017

Media Viewing: A Cause of Violence in Media

Today, our society is advance in terms of using media like the internet, television, video games and entertainment media. These media play an important role to all the users especially to students as they use media as a tool for better education. Behind the positive effect of media is its negative side – violence. One word but may destroy anyone’s mind and even life. This has to stop now! But how?

 Media violence is the correlation between themes of violence expressed in media sources with real world aggression and violence over time. In this case, children are mostly experiencing this kind of violence and they are being affected by this. Some television programs contain violent themes that every children’s eyes wanted to watch for. However, children mostly learn by observing and copying not knowing if they are doing the right thing. As I’ve said earlier, this has to stop or lessen but in what way? Let’s just focus on young ones. Parents have to monitor what their kids watch. With this, they can protect their children against violence. Even though these kids have already seen some violence thru media, parents should be the way to stop what their children’s used to do in viewing media. The most important thing that parents should give unconditional love with their children because if the parents are always there for them, the children would not be encountering this violence.

On the other hand, dealing with violence in media is considered one of the hardest things to face but we should. Be educated on viewing media like we know what are the right things to watch and if it is suitable for you. Like for example, MTRCB is the one who reminds us if the television programs that we are watching is qualified for our ages. Next up is to be an open-minded person that each and everyone of us should be ready in accepting the facts, details or whatever the thought of the media you are looking at. Additionally, we can deal with this violence if we are responsible enough in viewing media because it is really important to be aware of the decisions we make.
Media viewers has no age limit because everyone can access and watch media. Do you consider yourself a responsible media viewer? If you’ll ask me that question, my answer would be a ‘yes’ but why do I say so? As a media viewer, I used to be careful on media that I am viewing because it may cause to violence. I’m only watching media to gain more information as well as to look what is the reality of life. Therefore, let me give you a quotation to give you a realization to this.  “Violence is one of the most fun things to watch”. - Quentin Tarantino

Thursday, August 17, 2017



         Have you ever wondered what is the world made of and how did the world originate? Maybe some of you would probably say yes, no or even maybe. This time, I want to introduce you a philosopher named Anaximenes, his philosophy and how is it  related to the questions I’ve asked earlier.

    Anaximenes was a Pre-Socratic Greek Philosopher, who ranked among the pioneers of the Milesian School. He was born in 585 BC to Eurystratos in Greek city of Miletus, located in Ionia. Anaximenes was a pupil and companion of Anaximander, however, some say that he was also a pupil of Parmenides of Elea. 

             Anaximenes attempted to show how "air," the universal substance, becomes transformed through a process of what he called rarefaction and condensation. By rarefaction, Anaximenes meant that air would become thinner; the most rarefied alteration of air would be fire. By condensation, Anaximenes meant that air would become more concentrated, becoming water and then eventually solid materials like stone. He believes motion is eternal and that change comes about through motion.

              Anaximenes’ ultimate principle believes that air is the existence of everything. It simply means that water, fire and Earth are made from air and he proved his theory by using the process of condensation and rarefaction. We can relate some processes that Anaximenes used especially when doing Science experiments and of course in our daily activities. It’s clever that he said something about how air is usually invisible, but that we have indications of it by cold, hot, damp, and its moving other things. His philosophy did not rely on any unobservable because it was entirely experiential  as he sought to explain his side. The way he thinks of different processes air went through, he could explain all forms of matter. 

          Throughout the ages, the method used by Anaximenes provided a foundation from which all educated thinkers could grow philosophical thought. Anaximenes was not only an innovator of original thought, but he also introduced another way of showing how philosophy materialized through the use of  real life examples. That’s all! Thank you.